Importance of pranayama yoga in youth.


pranayama yoga practice is very effective in enhancing our concentration and ability to work by calming all of our body, where all the pranayama yoga practice is done.  In modern times, due to the changing lifestyles, inactivity, lack of exercise, and more competition, many physical and mental defects in teenagers and young people keep moving away from their goals.

  In order to achieve the goal of life, it is essential to correct these physical and mental defects in time.  It is possible to solve most of the problems of teenagers and young people with ease in yoga.  They usually have the following problems:

 1. Physical diseases- due to lack of food and lack of exercise, diseases start coming in their body, such as lack of digestion and getting sick again and again.  Apart from this, pain in the neck, head, waist and eyes is commonly seen in youth.  Due to this hindering their studies, they get away from their goals.  

2. Routine - In modern society, young people are able to sleep late at night and wake up late the next day, eat at the wrong time and eat more food outside, due to which physical and mental health starts deteriorating.  This also reduces their ability to read and perform other tasks. 

 3. High Competition - In order to get ahead of each other in the society and the rapidly increasing unemployment due to the increasing population, youth have to face high competition, which is an important cause of their problem. 

4. Fear of exams - Youngsters who do not prepare for their examinations in a balanced manner on time, start to get frightened on a mental level.  

5. Worry about the future - In modern times, there is more concern about the future in the youth because sometimes they do not get proper opportunities to move forward.

6. Lack of concentration - Due to the high availability of mobile, television and net, etc. among the youth nowadays, they can see a lack of concentration, which is one reason to take them away from their goal.  This leads to a decline in their physical and mental capacity, which acts as a hindering element in goal achievement. 

7. Lack of pranic energy- Pranic energy levels start to decline due to lack of exercise and yoga in children and lack of food, which causes a decline in their physical and mental capacity, which becomes an impediment to goal attainment. 

8. Healing- Pranayama is the best way to increase pranic energy in the body and increase concentration levels by calming the mind.  Pranayama practice is a great art of surgeon, expansion, and control of pranic energy in the body.  While practicing Pranayama, while physical defects are cured, the mental state also improves.  With the practice of Pranayama, breathing becomes deep, long, proportional, rhythmic, subtle, and numb.  The mind becomes calm and the level of concentration starts increasing, which can prove helpful in achieving their goals by giving them physical and mental health.

 ( Damayante Dhammayamananan Dhatunam ie as Mala: Tathendriyanam daiante dosha: Pranasya nigrahat. )

 That is, just as fire destroys the feces of metal, similarly, the practice of pranayama corrects the defects of the senses, which makes the youth healthy and enhances their concentration.  

With the practice of pranayama, blood is purified in the body, the brain gets more oxygen-rich blood, the nervous system of the body becomes healthy.  The hormones of all glands begin to balance and the mind becomes calm.